Our Mission

WE ARE a church that cares about you and about introducing you to the Heavenly Father who created you. We had our first meeting in November of 1990 and have been busy making connections ever since. We have a rich heritage and history of people who have been touched by the Presence of the Lord and we purpose to reach the present generations for Christ as well. 

OUR ROOTS go back to  downtown  Pittsburgh in 1901.  During that time Bible studies and outreach were the key ingredients that founded our ministry. A caring and loving outreach touched the heart of Pittsburgh and grew into a ministry that spread over the globe. We are a New Testament style Church that is built on relationship. We believe  that caring  for  one another is the fulfillment of the Bible and that we are supposed to live that love in a way that others can not only see but  also experience. 

OUR  APPROACH  involves  contemporary worship music followed by a meaningful message that can be practically applied. We believe that we  need to express our worship and love for the Lord as well as receive ministry from Him. Every person can and should find a way to acknowledge their personal faith and love for the Lord. We believe in the expression of the Arts in the church through dance, drama and music. 

OUR STANDARD is the Scripture, the Bible. We believe that it is God's Word and that everything written in the Bible is relevant for us as we live each day. We believe that obedience to these Biblical principles, allows believers to overcome the obstacles of life. It is the Scripture that guides us and allow us to be consistent in our relationship with our Heavenly Father. 

OUR FAITH is built on the personal experience of Salvation, where we recognize that there are things we have or haven't done which hinder our relationship with the Heavenly Father. We call those hindrances sin and recognize that the only cure for our sin is believing in Jesus Christ and his sacrifice on the Cross. We believe that Jesus' death on the cross and His Resurrection gave us power over sin and death. We also believe that if we will accept that sacrifice on our behalf and believe in Christ as our Savior and Lord, that we can personally experience a relationship with God. 

OUR EXPRESSION of that living relationship is through an empowered lifestyle. We believe that the Holy Spirit can dwell in us as believers to enable us to live a life filled with strength and power. This strong power allows us to live an uncompromising life, which demonstrates an example others can see and follow. The Holy Spirit is an active part of each and every believer's life. 

OUR TRUST is that as we live an empowered life for the Lord through the Holy Spirit, we demonstrate to our family friends, neighbors, coworkers and even strangers that we know the Heavenly Father personally. We declare through lifestyle that our relationship is not only in word but also in action. We speak through what we do as well as by what we say. We are convinced that as people see a living example of the Love of Christ in us that they will be persuaded to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as well. 

OUR HOPE is that we will reach our community, our cities, our state, our country, and our world with the good new about our Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. We believe that God is glorified through our lifestyle and our outreach. We  also believe that our relationship with the Lord will not be limited to just our years  of life on the earth but will allow us to spend eternity in the Presence of the Lord. 

OUR FELLOWSHIP is key to the unity of our Church and to the success of our relationships. The Bible declares that without fellowship we weaken in our faith and are easily discouraged. We believe that life comes by pursuing the Lord TOGETHER! Come and enjoy the fellowship of our Church.

Statement Of Faith

We believe that: 

A. The Bible, Containing 66 books, is the Word of God: the Holy Spirit revealed the original autographs to man. 

C. The Son (our Lord Jesus Christ), Who was of the Father anointed and positioned to execute the plan of redemption, took upon Himself a prepared body by being conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. He died in this body "for our sins" according to the Scriptures, and was buried and rose again from the dead and ascended into Heaven where He now abides at the Father's right hand as our Intercessor and Advocate. 

E. Man fell from a holy state and position into sin and therefore all men are lost and cannot, by their own effort, save themselves. Salvation is by GRACE through Faith in Christ's substitutionary sacrifice on the cross for sin. There is no other means of salvation. 

G. The ordinance of The Lord's Supper is a symbol of the believer's sharing of the Divine Nature of our Lord, a memorial of His suffering and death for the lost and a proclamation of His second coming.

I. The Church is the true company of believer's in Christ Jesus, known in the Scriptures as the Body of Christ (I Corinthians 12:27). The Church together with the "Head" (Colossians 1:18) has been baptized by the Holy Spirit into the spiritual entity or organism through which the Holy Spirit is heralding the Gospel of Redemption to the lost world.

B. God reveals Himself in His Word as the One True self-existent God who manifests Himself to His creatures in creation, jurisdiction, and redemption through a Tri-une Personality, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. 

D. The Holy Spirit, proceeding from the Father and the Son, is one Substance, Majesty, and Glory with the Father and the Son; The Comforter, Guide, and Empowerer of God's Children. The personal baptism in the fullness of the Holy Spirit may and should be experienced by any fully consecrated child of God for enduement of power for life and service.

F. The ordinance of Baptism is an outward symbol of an inward work of Grace. It witnesses to the experience that is set forth in I Corinthians 15:1-4; Romans 6:1-11; Colossians 2:11-14; and Ephesians 2:5-6. 

H. The punishment of the lost in Hell and the reward of the saved are clearly taught in the Bible. Hell and Heaven are both literal and real. "Whatsoever a man soweth, that also shall he also reap." and "They were judged every man according to their own works."